You will find the SCP/Shell Page on the “Advanced Site Settings dialog.” This option allows you to configure the shell specific options. Most of the time, it helps WinFTP Pro software to modify the remote environment, which helps to match the requirements. Also, the main use of these options is to while you are working with the SCP protocol. Even when you are using the SFTP protocol, some of these options will be available for you, if you are using some feature, which needs a separate shell session.

To open this page, you will be required to choose the Shell Page or SCP login dialog. You will find some of the options made available for you even for the SFTP Protocol with the page being labeled shell.

Please refer to the following documentation of shell page sections

  1. Shell
  2. Directory listing
  3. Other Options
  4. Further Reading
  5. Shell
  1. Directory listing
  1. Other Options

Note: If a server supports SCP2, it may probably support the SFTP protocol as well.

  1. Further Reading

If you want to read more about the Login dialog and the Advanced Site Settings dialog, please visit the next pages.