Author: Editorial Staff

About The Transfer Options Dialog

About The Transfer Options Dialog While using the UI Copy, you can see the “Transfer Option Dialog” before the transfer (download or upload) starts. All the options

WinFTP Pro – Preferences

Preferences This guide will show you the details about preferences, its uses, and the list of all the pages. The use of Preferences dialog is

Duplicate Dialog

Duplicate Dialog The Duplicate Dialog is one of the most useful options in WinFTP Pro software. In this guide, we are going to describe the

Importing Sites

In this import guide, we will explain the method and steps of Importing Sites using WinFTP Pro software. Importing the files is the primary step

Create Folder Dialog

In this guide, we are going to explain how you can create a folder dialog. Creating a new directory helps you to work separately on

The Transfer Page (Preferences Dialog)

The Transfer Page under the Preferences Dialog allows the users to configure all the default transfer settings and the transfer settings presets. This also includes