Mixing the sound with video using NeoFilm – Part 3

In the third part of the mixer sound and editing article, we are going to see the further editing and how the track looks after the background music adding. In this screenshot, then see the wave-form of audio 1 (A1) is clearly visible, and also I can hear ear sound when you hit the play […]

Mixing the sound with video using NeoFilm – Part 2

In this guide, we are going to experiment with different editing methods with one video. These two methods are considered to be different at some stage while editing the video using NeoFilm video editing software. The screenshots of the same as shown simultaneously in the same project under the view option. We can see the […]

Mixing the sound with video using NeoFilm – Part 1

Mixing the sound with video using NeoFilm Editing the video and audio is now easy with NeoFilm. There are still lots of features, which the pro sound editor would want to try. In this context, mixing the sound with video can be a good feature to be used by the users. Although, we have seen […]

Muting part or all of a audio track using NeoFilm

Muting part or all of a audio track

When you start editing the video using NeoFilm, you will find many options on the timeline. While playing a long video of speech, narration, there are so many pauses and filler word, which may make the file longer. To save the playing time, you can mute the unnecessary part of the track. In this guide, […]

How to Clean up a video using NeoFilm

How to 'Clean Up' the Recorded Voiceover Narration using NeoFilm

The properties of any video or the purpose of the editing determine what exactly we want with the audio and video. Sometimes, we prefer the audio or video to rename as they are original, and sometimes we want to edit based on our preferences.   In case the audio quality of our video is not […]

Add text to your video in NeoFilm

Add text to your video in NeoFilm

NeoFilm video editing software offers a wide range of options to the users. Using NeoFilm, it is now very easy for the users the edit their videos up to their preferences, and the steps are very straightforward, too. In this article, we are going to share the steps of how you can add Text into […]

Adding and mixing background music using NeoFilm

In the previous guides of NeoFilm, we have seen plenty of steps of how you can add and mix the background music using the NeoFilm video editing software. In all guides, we have noticed that we did not cut the tracks at the end of the video track itself. Air is a reason behind this […]

How to use Gain and Audio filter in NeoFilm

In the previous articles, we have seen so many different methods of editing the video along with background adding, mixing the audio and applying the audio into a segment of the video track. In some points, We have observed that it is completely e a careful selection of the audio and how your editing it […]

Audio and Video: Adding in Musical Tracks/Background music using NeoFilm

We have seen so many editing tutorials of video and audio editing using NeoFilm. Now, in this guide, we will be learning about how you can add supplementary audio to the existing video. Here we are going to use the “found” audio, like stretching out the audio that you assume can be paired with the […]